Wednesday, August 8, 2012

SBS 2003 CALs are missing

This happens frequently. 

Copy the following red text into a txt file, rename it to sbscal.bat and run it. You should be all set afterwards. 

net stop LicenseService
rename %windir%\system32\ %windir%\System32\
copy %windir%\system32\ %windir%\system32\
net start LicenseService

Friday, July 27, 2012

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Seems to be Lagging Behind

For years, I've sworn by MBAM, and it's always come through for me. I'd always done a MBAM full scan followed by a virus scan with whatever they had installed, and then a ComboFix scan.

Lately however, MBAM has been coming up clean, and ComboFix has been doing the bulk of the work. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Office365 - Set All User Account Passwords to NOT Expire

Go here: 

Download and install these two things according to the OS architecture of the machine you’re currently using to perform this operation:
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (IDCRL7) - (32 bit version)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (IDCRL7) - (64 bit version)


Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell - (32-bit version)
Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell - (64-bit version)

NOTE: Norton 360 classified the Microsoft Online Services Module download as a threat for me, and removed it from my downloads. Be prepared to disable your A/V.

Once these are installed, Click the start button, in the search field type Microsoft Powershell, open the result "Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell”

Enter the following command:


You will be prompted for credentials. Use the account administrator credentials.

Type the following, and hit enter.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

press Y for yes, and hit enter

Copy and paste the entire next command

$LiveCred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

You will be Prompted for credentials again. Enter them, and hit ok. You'll then see warninds about "You connection has been redirected to the folling URI". This is ok. NOTE: The last line of that command is still waiting to be run. You need to hit enter for it to execute. Once it's done, use the following command to set all user account passwords to never expire:

Get-MSOLUser | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true

Use Windows PowerShell to manage Office 365 - Office 365 for enterprises

Use Windows PowerShell to manage Office 365

Topic Last Modified: 2012-03-22

As an administrator, you can use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to accomplish many Microsoft Office 365 administrative tasks such as user management and domain management. This topic includes information about Windows PowerShell and how to install the cmdlets for Office 365.

You can also manage Microsoft Exchange Online with Windows PowerShell cmdlets. For more information, see Use Windows PowerShell in Exchange Online.

What do you want to do?

Learn about Windows PowerShell

Install the Office 365 cmdlets

Connect Windows PowerShell to the service

About Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed for system administration. Unlike most shells, which accept and return text, Windows PowerShell is built on top of the Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework, and accepts and returns .NET Framework objects. Windows PowerShell introduces the concept of a cmdlet (pronounced "command-let"), a simple, single-function command-line tool built into the shell. Cmdlets have the following naming convention: a verb and noun separated by a dash (-), such as Get-Help, Get-Process, and Start-Service. Windows PowerShell includes more than one hundred basic core cmdlets. For more information about Windows PowerShell, see the Windows PowerShell Getting Started Guide.

There are many Office 365 cmdlets you can use to perform a variety of administrative tasks. For more information about the various tasks you can perform using cmdlets, see Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Office 365.

Install the Office 365 cmdlets

To begin using the Office 365 cmdlets, you first need to install them. The requirements for installing the Office 365 cmdlets are as follows:

You can install the cmdlets on a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 computer.

You must have Windows PowerShell and the .NET Framework 3.5.1 enabled.

You must install the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant. Download and install one of the following from the Microsoft Download Center:

Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (IDCRL7) - 32 bit version

Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (IDCRL7) - 64 bit version

To install the cmdlets, perform the following steps:

Download one of the following from the Microsoft Download Center:

Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell (32-bit version)

Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell (64-bit version)

To install the cmdlets, double-click the AdministrationConfig.msi file.

The installer adds the program to your Start menu and a shortcut to your desktop.

Connect Windows PowerShell to the service

Click the Microsoft Online Services Module shortcut to open a Windows PowerShell workspace that has the cmdlets. Alternatively, you can load the Office 365 cmdlets manually by typing import-module MSOnline at the Windows PowerShell command prompt.

For more information about cmdlets, you can do the following:

Get a list of cmdlets by typing the following at the command prompt: get-module MSOnline

View the Help file for a cmdlet by typing the following at the command prompt: get-help -detailed

See Also

Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Office 365

via Use Windows PowerShell to manage Office 365 - Office 365 for enterprises.

How to configure user passwords to never expire in Office 365

You need to download the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant

2)       And also you need to install the PowerShell Msonline Module.

System requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit Editions Service Pack 1, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Enterprise 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition, Windows XP, Windows XP Professional Edition, Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Requirements provided to subscribers via the Microsoft Online Services Administration Center or My Company Portal. This product intended for use with Microsoft Online Services only.

Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant Setup (now required for MSONLINE powershell)


PowerShell Msonline Module


After the download is completed, please copy and paste this section into the PowerShell window. And enter your credentials.


1)       $Cred = Get-Credential

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Cred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session


2)       Import-Module MSOnline

$Creds = Get-Credential

Connect-MsolService –Credential $Creds

3)       Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -PasswordNeverExpires $true

Note If you want to change the setting for all the users in an organization, run the following command:

Get-MSOLUser | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true


N.B Replace the red highlight text with your e-mail address.


Sam Dawsen | E-mail:

via Microsoft Office 365 Community.

Microsoft Office 365 Community

You need to download the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant

2)       And also you need to install the PowerShell Msonline Module.

System requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit Editions Service Pack 1, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Enterprise 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition, Windows XP, Windows XP Professional Edition, Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Requirements provided to subscribers via the Microsoft Online Services Administration Center or My Company Portal. This product intended for use with Microsoft Online Services only.

Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant Setup (now required for MSONLINE powershell)


PowerShell Msonline Module


After the download is completed, please copy and paste this section into the PowerShell window. And enter your credentials.


1)       $Cred = Get-Credential

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $Cred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session


2)       Import-Module MSOnline

$Creds = Get-Credential

Connect-MsolService –Credential $Creds

3)       Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -PasswordNeverExpires $true

Note If you want to change the setting for all the users in an organization, run the following command:

Get-MSOLUser | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true


N.B Replace the red highlight text with your e-mail address.


Sam Dawsen | E-mail:

via Microsoft Office 365 Community.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Reset My Toolbox in Gimp |



Open the GIMP image editor. It's not necessary to open an image when resetting the toolbox.


Inspect the bottom edge of the toolbox. Notice a yellow circular arrow; this is the toolbox reset button.


Click on the toolbox reset button while simultaneously pushing the "Shift" key.


Click on "Reset" when you see a prompt asking if you want to reset the toolbox values.

Tips & Warnings

Also reset the toolbox by clicking on "Edit>Preferences>Reset." However, this resets all of the GIMP settings, rather than just the toolbox.

via How to Reset My Toolbox in Gimp |

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to Reset Photoshop to default settings

How to Reset Photoshop to default settings

Photoshop resetting settings When working from Windows, I use Photoshop to do much of my graphical work. Gimp is also a great equivalent for those who prefer working from Linux (can be used in Windows as well). A typical problem people encounter when playing around with Photoshop is that of changing the default settings during experimentation and then forgetting what the baseline setting were. If you have been messing with Photoshop for long enough, you know exactly what I mean.

Well, the good news is that there is a simple fix that allows you to reset all of your Photoshop CS2 or Photoshop CS3 settings and preferences back to factory default.

How to reset Photoshop preferences (In Windows):

First, hold down all three Ctrl+Alt+Shift buttons

Now "while keeping those button held," simply open Photoshop or a file that opens with Photoshop

As Photoshop loads, you should get a prompt asking if you would like to "delete the Photoshop settings file", Click yes

You should now have a fresh slate with all of the settings returned to their default.

Note: I have found that this process is kind of finicky and doesn't always work. I have had the best results pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift and clicking the photoshop shortcut from the start menu in Windows.

Another method that works well if you have another shortcut or image that can be opened with Photoshop is to do the following:

Press and hold Ctrl+Alt+Shift then (right mouse click) a Photoshop shortcut or Image file and select Open.

Similar Simple Solutions

Photoshop – Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error

Installing additional photoshop fonts

How to Reset Droid X to Factory Settings

Photoshop CS4 Open Files in New Window

Remove the Register Photoshop Prompt

via How to Reset Photoshop to default settings.

Logon Type Codes Revealed

Logon Type Codes Revealed.

Event IDs 528 and 540 signify a successful logon, event ID 538 a logoff and all the other events in this category identify different reasons for a logon failure. However, just knowing about a successful or failed logon attempt doesn’t fill in the whole picture. Because of all the services Windows offers, there are many different ways you can logon to a computer such as interactively at the computer’s local keyboard and screen, over the network through a drive mapping or through terminal services (aka remote desktop) or through IIS. Thankfully, logon/logoff events specify the Logon Type code which reveals the type of logon that prompted the event.

Logon Type 2 – Interactive

This is what occurs to you first when you think of logons, that is, a logon at the console of a computer. You’ll see type 2 logons when a user attempts to log on at the local keyboard and screen whether with a domain account or a local account from the computer’s local SAM. To tell the difference between an attempt to logon with a local or domain account look for the domain or computer name preceding the user name in the event’s description. Don’t forget that logon’s through an KVM over IP component or a server’s proprietary “lights-out” remote KVM feature are still interactive logons from the standpoint of Windows and will be logged as such.

Logon Type 3 – Network

Windows logs logon type 3 in most cases when you access a computer from elsewhere on the network. One of the most common sources of logon events with logon type 3 is connections to shared folders or printers. But other over-the-network logons are classed as logon type 3 as well such as most logons to IIS. (The exception is basic authentication which is explained in Logon Type 8 below.)

Logon Type 4 – Batch

When Windows executes a scheduled task, the Scheduled Task service first creates a new logon session for the task so that it can run under the authority of the user account specified when the task was created. When this logon attempt occurs, Windows logs it as logon type 4. Other job scheduling systems, depending on their design, may also generate logon events with logon type 4 when starting jobs. Logon type 4 events are usually just innocent scheduled tasks startups but a malicious user could try to subvert security by trying to guess the password of an account through scheduled tasks. Such attempts would generate a logon failure event where logon type is 4. But logon failures associated with scheduled tasks can also result from an administrator entering the wrong password for the account at the time of task creation or from the password of an account being changed without modifying the scheduled task to use the new password.

Logon Type 5 – Service

Similar to Scheduled Tasks, each service is configured to run as a specified user account. When a service starts, Windows first creates a logon session for the specified user account which results in a Logon/Logoff event with logon type 5. Failed logon events with logon type 5 usually indicate the password of an account has been changed without updating the service but there’s always the possibility of malicious users at work too. However this is less likely because creating a new service or editing an existing service by default requires membership in Administrators or Server Operators and such a user, if malicious, will likely already have enough authority to perpetrate his desired goal.

Logon Type 7 – Unlock

Hopefully the workstations on your network automatically start a password protected screen saver when a user leaves their computer so that unattended workstations are protected from malicious use. When a user returns to their workstation and unlocks the console, Windows treats this as a logon and logs the appropriate Logon/Logoff event but in this case the logon type will be 7 – identifying the event as a workstation unlock attempt. Failed logons with logon type 7 indicate either a user entering the wrong password or a malicious user trying to unlock the computer by guessing the password.

Logon Type 8 – NetworkCleartext

This logon type indicates a network logon like logon type 3 but where the password was sent over the network in the clear text. Windows server doesn’t allow connection to shared file or printers with clear text authentication. The only situation I’m aware of are logons from within an ASP script using the ADVAPI or when a user logs on to IIS using IIS’s basic authentication mode. In both cases the logon process in the event’s description will list advapi. Basic authentication is only dangerous if it isn’t wrapped inside an SSL session (i.e. https). As far as logons generated by an ASP, script remember that embedding passwords in source code is a bad practice for maintenance purposes as well as the risk that someone malicious will view the source code and thereby gain the password.

Logon Type 9 – NewCredentials

If you use the RunAs command to start a program under a different user account and specify the /netonly switch, Windows records a logon/logoff event with logon type 9. When you start a program with RunAs using /netonly, the program executes on your local computer as the user you are currently logged on as but for any connections to other computers on the network, Windows connects you to those computers using the account specified on the RunAs command. Without /netonly Windows runs the program on the local computer and on the network as the specified user and records the logon event with logon type 2.

Logon Type 10 – RemoteInteractive

When you access a computer through Terminal Services, Remote Desktop or Remote Assistance windows logs the logon attempt with logon type 10 which makes it easy to distinguish true console logons from a remote desktop session. Note however that prior to XP, Windows 2000 doesn’t use logon type 10 and terminal services logons are reported as logon type 2.

Logon Type 11 – CachedInteractive

Windows supports a feature called Cached Logons which facilitate mobile users. When you are not connected to the your organization’s network and attempt to logon to your laptop with a domain account there’s no domain controller available to the laptop with which to verify your identity. To solve this problem, Windows caches a hash of the credentials of the last 10 interactive domain logons. Later when no domain controller is available, Windows uses these hashes to verify your identity when you attempt to logon with a domain account.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blue screen of death (STOP error) information in dump files.

Blue screen of death (STOP error) information in dump files..

Delete Windows 7 User Profile Registry Key

To clear user local profile via registry:

  1. Press on Start > Run >Regedit

  2. Navigate to the following registry key :“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

  3. Under ProfileList navigate to binary key’s like this: S-1-5-21-3656904587-1668747452-4095529-500

  4. On the right side under ProfileImagePath you'll see the username and profile path.

  5. Chose the one with the desired user and delete the long registry key like: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList”

Windows SBS 2011 - Map Network Drives Via Default Domain Group Policy

In SBS 2011, it's now recommended that you use Group Policy to map network drives for client workstations, rather than the legacy login script.

Here's a screen shot of where to find this.

How to force proxy settings via group policy - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki

How to force proxy settings via group policy - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki.

This article describes how to force proxy settings via group policy.

  • ClickStartAll programs – Administrative Tools – Group Policy Management.

  • Create or Edit Group Policy Objects.

  • ExpandUser configurationPoliciesWindows SettingsInternet Explorer MaintenanceConnection.

  • In right PaneProxySettings.

For some security reasons maybe administrator need to prevent end users from change their proxy settings

You can do it with group policy follow this steps:

  • Click Start – All programs – Administrative Tools – Group Policy Management.

  • Create or Edit Group Policy Objects.

  • Expand Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components - Internet Explorer – Internet Control Panel

  • In right Pane Disable the Connections page (Enabled)



 This article was originally posted at  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Blue screen of death (STOP error) information in dump files.

Blue screen of death (STOP error) information in dump files..

BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during 'blue screen of death' crashes, and displays the information about all crashes in one table. For each crash, BlueScreenView displays the minidump filename, the date/time of the crash, the basic crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module that possibly caused the crash (filename, product name, file description, and file version).

For each crash displayed in the upper pane, you can view the details of the device drivers loaded during the crash in the lower pane. BlueScreenView also mark the drivers that their addresses found in the crash stack, so you can easily locate the suspected drivers that possibly caused the crash.

RDP to Workstations Through Sonicwall On Custom Ports

When a user wants to connect from home to his / her computer at work using RDP, and you have a SonicWALL at the office, this is how you need to configure things:


First, make sure the workstation gets the same IP address every time it connects to the network. You can do this by either setting it to a static IP outside of the DHCP range, or set a "reservation" in your DHCP server. In this case, the DHCP server is a Windows 2003 SBS server, and I've set a reservation.

In this example, the user is "Jim" and the local IP address of his workstation into which he would like to remote is, as seen below in the list of reservations.

The RDP Port

Now that this machine is set to get the same IP at every connection, you need to change the port that RDP listens on. This is detailed in this post. For this example, the workstation is listening on port 3392.

The Address Objects

Create an address object for the computer. Give the object a name you'll recognize.

Service Objects

You need to create two service objects, one for TCP traffic on port 3392 and one for UDP traffic on port 3392. Name them something you'll recognize

Service Group

Create a service group, and add both service objects you created above. Name it something you'll recognize

NAT Policy

Create a NAT policy. Make sure to put in a comment identifying the purpose of the policy. Use the following values:

Access Rule

Create an access rule. Make sure to put in a comment identifying the purpose of the policy. Use the following values:

RDP Connection

Test the RDP connection from outside the organization. Make sure you put the port number at the end of the public IP (or corresponding URL).

How to change the listening port for Remote Desktop

How to change the listening port for Remote Desktop.

You can use the Remote Desktop feature in Microsoft Windows XP Professional to connect to your computer from another remote computer. 

Warning The Remote Assistance feature in Microsoft Windows XP may not work correctly if you change the listening port.

For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
307711 Remote Assistance invitation file does not contain correct port number

To have us change the port that Remote Desktop listens, go to the "Fix it for me" section. If you prefer to fix this problem yourself, go to the "Let me fix it myself" section.

Fix it for me

To fix this problem automatically, click the Fix it button or link. Click Run in the File Download dialog box, and follow the steps in the Fix it wizard.

Fix this problem
Microsoft Fix it 50595


  • Please type the new integer port number between 1025 and 65535 in the PortNumber text box during the installation of the Fix it solution. Make sure the new port number is not in use by other application.

  • This wizard may be in English only. However, the automatic fix also works for other language versions of Windows.

  • If you are not on the computer that has the problem, save the Fix it solution to a flash drive or a CD and then run it on the computer that has the problem.

Then, go to the "Did this fix the problem?" section. 

Let me fix it myself

To change the port that Remote Desktop listens on, follow these steps. 

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

  1. Start Registry Editor.

  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

  3. On the Edit menu, click Modify, and then click Decimal.

  4. Type the new port number, and then click OK.

  5. Quit Registry Editor.

  6. Restart the computer.

Note When you try to connect to this computer by using the Remote Desktop connection, you must type the new port. Maybe you have to set the firewall to allow the new port number before you connect to this computer by using the Remote Desktop connection.
304304 How to configure the Remote Desktop client to connect to a specific port when you use Windows XP

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Outlook performance is slow in the Office 365 environment

Outlook performance is slow in the Office 365 environment.

Method 1: Enable Cached Exchange Mode

You can try to improve performance by making sure that Cached Exchange Mode is enabled. To do this, follow these steps, depending on the version of Outlook that you are using:

  • In Outlook 2007:

    1. Click the Tools menu, and then click Account Settings.

    2. In the E-mail Settings window, select the user’s Exchange Server account, click Change, and then make sure that the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box is selected.

  • In Outlook 2010:

    1. Click the File tab, click Account Settings, and then click Account Settings.

    2. On the E-mail tab, select the user’s Exchange Server account, click Change, and then make sure that the Use Cached Exchange Mode check box is selected.

Method 2: Determine global catalog usage

By default, if Outlook cannot access the Offline Address Book, it uses the online global address list (GAL). This can slow performance. To determine whether this is the case, click the Address Book icon in Outlook, right-click the GAL, and then click Properties. If the properties show the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a server instead of a local folder path, Outlook is using the online GSL instead of the Offline Address Book. If this is the case, you can download the Offline Address Book.

Method 3: Download the Offline Address Book

Make sure that you can download the Offline Address Book (OAB). To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Take one of the following actions:

    1. In Outlook 2007, click Tools, click Send/Receive Settings, and then click Download Address Book.

    2. In Outlook 2010, in the Office Ribbon, click Send/Receive, click Send/Receive Groups in the Send & Receive group, and then click Download Address Book.

  2. In the Choose address book area, make sure that \onsite AL is listed as an option.

  3. Determine whether Outlook is directly using a Microsoft Online global catalog (GC) server for online global address list (GAL) lookups. By default, if Outlook cannot access the OAB, it uses the online GAL. To determine whether this is the issue, right-click the GAL, and then click Properties. If the FQDN of a server is listed, Outlook is using the online GAL. If the path of the OAB file on the computer is listed, Outlook is using the OAB, and the Outlook slowness is not caused by OAB issues. If Outlook is using the OAB, you can help troubleshoot the issue by following the steps that are described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base :

    2429946 How to troubleshoot the Outlook Offline Address Book in an Office 365 environment

    Use the procedure in this article as a baseline to make sure that the client downloads the correct OAB.

Method 4: Check the OST file size

Make sure that Outlook’s offline OST file is not too large. A large OST file may indicate corruption or fragmentation of the file. This can affect performance.

  1. In Outlook, right-click the mailbox in the navigation pane, and then click Data File Properties.

  2. Click Folder Size, and note the Total size value on the Local Data tab.

  3. Open the Outlook system folder by opening the following folder path, depending on the operating system:

    Windows XP
    %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

    Windows Vista or Windows 7%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook

  4. Note the size of the OST file for the user’s Outlook profile. If the OST file is more than 3 to 4 gigabytes (GB) larger than the Total size value, the file may be corrupted or fragmented. Close Outlook, rename the OST file, and then reopen Outlook to re-create the OST file.

Method 5: Reduce the number of items in critical folders

If you continue to have problems, make sure that there are not too many items saved in the Calendar, Contacts, Inbox, and Sent Items folders. If the Inbox folder or the Sent Items folder contains more than 20,000 items, or if the Calendar folder or the Contacts folder contains more than 5,000 items, the performance of Outlook can be affected.

Method 6: Disable add-ins

If Outlook is already using the Offline Address Book, or if the problem continues after you download the Office Address Book, an add-in may be causing Outlook to respond slowly. In this case, try to disable add-ins in Outlook. To do this, follow these steps, depending on the version of Outlook that you are using.

  • In Outlook 2007:

    1. Click the Tools menu, click Trust Center, and then click the Add-ins tab.

    2. In the Add-ins window, disable or remove any add-ins that might be causing the performance problems, such as those that scan each message that you receive or those that scan index messages.

  • In Outlook 2010:

    1. Click the File tab, click Options, and then click the Add-ins tab.

    2. In the Add-ins window, disable or remove any add-ins that might be causing the performance problems, such as those that scan each message that you receive or those that scan index messages.

Method 7: Start in safe mode

If the problem continues, try restarting Outlook in safe mode by running the following command from the Run box or from the Start Search box on the Start menu:
outlook.exe /safe

If performance improves, check again to make sure that you disabled any Outlook add-ins that may affect performance.

Method 8: Disable Lync Online integration

If Outlook is integrated with Microsoft Lync Online in your Office 365 environment, the integration may be affecting Outlook’s performance. To disable Lync Online integration with Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Open Lync Online, and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner.

  2. Click Tools, and then click Options.

  3. On the Personal tab, clear the integration check boxes in the Personal information manager area.

  4. After you save the changes, restart Outlook and Lync Online.


Method 9: Disable email scanners

Email scanners, search programs such as Google desktop, and other services that scan the Outlook mailbox may also affect the performance of Outlook. Try disabling any such programs or services, and then see whether Outlook performance improves. You can determine which programs and services are currently running by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL to open Task Manager. Some antivirus software can also scan incoming email messages. Make sure that you talk to the IT administrator before you disable any antivirus software on your computer

Method 10: Verify Group Policy settings

If your organization’s Exchange environment is governed by Group Policy, you should determine whether there are any group policies specific to Outlook that apply to the users who are experiencing the poor performance. If there are, determine whether you can reproduce the performance issues from another computer that does not receive that Group Policy setting. By doing this, you can determine whether the policy is contributing to the poor performance. If this is the case, you can amend or eliminate the policy setting.

Method 11: Repair Outlook

If the problems continue, try to repair Outlook on the computer where the problems occur. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, open the Programs and Features or Add/Remove Programs window, and then select your version of Office from the list of programs.

  2. Click Change.

  3. Click Repair, and then click Continue.


Method 12: Cache additional mailboxes

  1. If an additional mailbox is added to the user's Office 365 mailbox (for example, a shared or resource mailbox), Outlook may slow down when it tries to connect to the other mailbox. By default, Outlook 2007 only caches non-mail folders. Mail folders use an online connection to the Exchange Online servers. To help improve performance, cache the mail folders of the additional mailboxes. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Start Registry Editor. To do this, click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

    2. Expand the following registry subkey:

      • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook

    3. Right-click Outlook, point to New, and then click Key.

    4. Type Cached Mode, and then press Enter to name the new key.

    5. Right-click Cached Mode, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

    6. Type CacheOthersMail, and then press Enter to name the new value.

    7. Right-click CacheOthersMail, and then click Modify.

    8. In the Value data box, type 00000001, and then click OK.

    9. Exit Registry Editor, and then start Outlook.

      Note By default Outlook 2010 caches all folders for additional mailboxes, regardless of folder type.

Method 13: Decrease the synchronization frequency for Outlook 2010 items

  1. In Outlook 2010, click the File tab, click Options, click Advanced, and then click the Send/Receive tab.

  2. Click the All Accounts option, and then click Edit.

  3. In the navigation pane (left side), click SharePoint.

  4. Under Send/Receive Options, click to clear the check boxes next to the SharePoint sites that you do not want to synchronize with Outlook, and then click OK.

  5. Click New, name the new group, and then click OK.

  6. Click the SharePoint button on the left side.

  7. Select the SharePoint sites that you want to limit, and then click OK.

    Note You must clear all SharePoint syncs and RSS feeds that you do not want limited. By default, new groups include all RSS feeds and all SharePoint sites.

  8. Select the newly created group.

    The settings in the Send/Receive Group windows let you customize the synchronization rate of the new group.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Microsoft Office 365 Support Phone Number

For the United States, telephone support is provided in English 24 hours a day, every day.

Toll-free: 1-800-865-9408

Create and hide a local admin

Originally Posted on October 29, 2009

It was recommended by Kaseya that you create a local user on your endpoints and set that as the agent credentials.

This script creates a username, makes it a local administrator, makes sure the password never expires, and sets the account so that it doesn’t show up on the fast user switching screen for those machines that use the welcome screen.

First, create open notepade and create the following VBS:

‘ nopwdexp.vbs
‘ Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Administration Script

‘ Turns off password expiry for the specified account

‘ Usage: cscript //nologo nopwdexp.vbs /domain:domainname /user:username

‘ Written by Mark Wilson, 10 September 2004

‘ This script is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Mark Wilson
‘ further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any
‘ implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.
‘ The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the script including
‘ any associated documentation remains with the user of the script.

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
‘ Set constants
Const ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = &H10000
‘ Set variables
Dim colNamedArguments
Dim strDomain, strUser
‘ Read command line named arguments
Set colNamedArguments = WScript.Arguments.Named
‘ Report missing domain argument
If colNamedArguments.Exists(“domain”) Then
WScript.Echo “Missing argument: /domain:domainname”
End If
‘ Report missing user argument
If colNamedArguments.Exists(“user”) Then
WScript.Echo “Missing argument: /user:username”
End If
PasswordNeverExpires strDomain, strUser
Sub PasswordNeverExpires(domainname, username)
‘ Sets the do not expire password flag if not already set
Dim objUser, objUserFlags
‘ Read user properties
Set objUser = GetObject(“WinNT://” & domainname & “/” & username & “,user”)
‘ Examine flags set against account
objUserFlags = objUser.Get(“UserFlags”)
‘ If password expiry is allowed, then set password never to expire.
If (objUserFlags And ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD) = 0 Then
‘ Password does expire
‘ WScript.Echo objUserFlags
objUserFlags = objUserFlags Or ufDONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD
‘ WScript.Echo objUserFlags
objUser.Put “UserFlags”, objUserFlags
WScript.Echo domainname & “\” & username & ” password has been set never to expire.”
‘ Password does not expire
‘ WScript.Echo objUserFlags
WScript.Echo domainname & “\” & username & ” password was already set never to expire.”
End If
End Sub
Sub Usage()
‘ Reports the correct command line syntax
Wscript.Echo VbCr
WScript.Echo “nopwdexp.vbs”
Wscript.Echo VbCr
WScript.Echo “Usage: cscript //nologo nopwdexp.vbs /domain:domainname /user:username”
End Sub

Make sure the file is named nopwbexp.vbs, and upload it to your kaseya server.

Then import this scritp, making sure to edit the username and password as applicable:

Script Name: Create and hide local admin 

Script Description: This script creates and then hides a local administrator account. 

This script should be run on every new Managed Services machine, unless you’re using a domain admin credential.

IF True 
Execute Shell Command – (Continue on Fail)
Parameter 1 : net user /add *USERNAME*
Parameter 2 : 1
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command – (Continue on Fail)
Parameter 1 : net user *USERNAME* *PASSWORD*
Parameter 2 : 1
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command – (Continue on Fail)
Parameter 1 : net localgroup Administrators *USERNAME* /add
Parameter 2 : 1
OS Type : 0
Write File – (Continue on Fail)
Parameter 1 : c:\temp\nopwdexp.vbs
Parameter 2 : VSASharedFiles\nopwdexp.vbs
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command – (Continue on Fail)
Parameter 1 : wscript //B c:\temp\nopwdexp.vbs /domain:%computername% /user:peadmin
Parameter 2 : 1
OS Type : 0
Set Registry Value – (Continue on Fail)
Parameter 1 : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\userList\peadmin
Parameter 2 : 0
Parameter 3 : REG_DWORD
OS Type : 0

This script runs quickly. After it’s run, set the agent credentials in the Agent tab, and you’re good to go!

Connecting Trend Agents to new Server Installs

As with any software, there are times when it’s necessary to uninstall, and reinstall Trend’s Worry Free Business Security suite, but does that mean you’ll need to uninstall all of the agents and push out fresh installs? While this would work, it’s not necessary.

This can be done via batch file. Once the script is written, it can ideally be put into a login script, or pushed out via Group Policy or some kind of Managed Services (Like Kaseya!)

First, you’ll need a little bit of information.

  • Browse to the ser’vers OFCSCAN folder, and open ofcscan.ini

  • Make note of the following information:

    • Master_DomainName

    • Master_DomainPort

    • Client_LocalServer_Port

The script syntax is:ipXfer.exe-s-p-m1-c

For example: \\\ofcscan\Admin\Utility\IpXfer\ipxfer.exe -s -m 1 -p 8059 -c 18277

It’s sometimes enough to simply run this, but depending on what’s going on at the end point, it may be beneficial to stop and start all the local trend services.

The batch file that I use looks like this:
\\\ofcscan\Admin\Utility\IpXfer\ipxfer.exe -s -m 1 -p 8059 -c 18277

After running this, give the software a couple of minutes to connect and such before beating on the refresh link in the WFBS console. Works every time (For me, so far!)

The Kaseya script I use, looks like this:
Script Name: trend agent reconnect
Script Description: \\SERVER\ofcscan\admin\utility\ipxfer\ipxfer.exe -s server.CTA.local -p 8059 -m 1 -c 16809

IF True
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 1 : NET STOP TMPFW
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 1 : NET STOP TMPROXY
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 1 : NET START TMPFW
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0
Execute Shell Command
Parameter 1 : \\SERVER\ofcscan\admin\utility\ipxfer\ipxfer.exe -s server.DOMAIN.local -p 8059 -m 1 -c 16809
Parameter 2 : 0
OS Type : 0

Remember to edit the port numbers and server / domain information!

Trend Micro WFBS Password Reset


Trend Micro WFBS 6.0 Password Reset

Posted on January 20, 2010


If you ever find that you need to reset the password to log into your Trend Micro Worry Free Business Security Console, here are the steps:

1.On the Security Server, open the ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Private folder.

2.Double-click the ofcserver.ini file to open it in a text editor.

3.Under [INI_SERVER_SECTION], change the value of the “Master_Pwd” parameter to either of the following:
• “70″ – This sets the password to “1″ or

• “!CRYPT!523496F3AF43E1AF69D42D0AB1AD8410C995F3E7C1FBB9FE857C7B1FEBE9F84A93A1B9CEF52810DBA9649302335″ – This sets the password to “novirus”.

4.Restart the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service.

5.Open Internet Explorer then click Tools > Internet Options.

6.Click Delete Files, select Delete all offline content, then click OK.

7.Click Clear History > Yes.

8.Click OK.

9.Close all open windows of Internet Explorer.

10.Log on to the WFBS Standard / Advanced console using the password you set in Step 3.

11.Change your password to something more secure.

Default Logins and Passwords for Networked Devices

ManufacturerModelOS VersionLoginPassword
3ComSuper Stack 2 SwitchAnymanagermanager
3ComAccessBuilder® 7000 BRIAny--
3ComCoreBuilder 2500---
3ComSwitch 3000/3300-managermanager
3ComSwitch 3000/3300-adminadmin
3ComSwitch 3000/3300-securitysecurity
3ComCable Managment System SQL Database (DOSCIC
Win2000 & MSDOCSIS_APP3Com
3ComNAC (Network Access Card)-admnone
3ComHiPer ARC Cardv4.1.x of HAadmnone
3ComCoreBuilder 6000-debugtech
3ComCoreBuilder 7000-techtech
3ComSuperStack II Switch 2200-debugsynnet
3ComSuperStack II Switch 2700-techtech
3ComSuperStack / CoreBuilder-admin-
3ComSuperStack / CoreBuilder-read-
3ComSuperStack / CoreBuilder-write-
3ComLinkSwitch and CellPlex-techtech
3ComLinkSwitch and CellPlex-debugsynnet
3ComSuperstack II 3300FX-admin-
3ComSwitch 3000/3300-Admin3Com
3ComSwitch 3000/3300-monitormonitor
3ComAirConnect Access Pointn/a-comcomcom
3ComSuperstack II Dual Speed 500-securitysecurity
3ComOfficeConnect 5x1at least 5.x-PASSWORD
3ComSuperStack 3 Switch 3300XM-admin-
3ComSuper Stack 2 SwitchAnymanagermanager
3ComSuperStack II Switch 1100-managermanager
3ComSuperStack II Switch 1100-securitysecurity
3Comsuper stack 2 switchanymanagermanager
3ComOffice Connect Remote 812-root!root
3ComSwitch 3000/3300-adminadmin
3ComHome Connect-UserPassword
3ComOfficeConnect 5x1at least 5.xestheralastruey-
3ComSuperStack II Switch 3300-managermanager
Acc/NewbridgeCongo/Amazon/TigrisAll versionsnetmannetman
Acc/NewbridgeCongo/Amazon/TigrisAll versionsnetmannetman
Adaptec RAIDStorage Manager ProAllAdministratoradaptec
adtrantsu 600 ethernet module-18364-
AdtranTSU 120 e--ADTRAN
AdtranTSU 120 e--ADTRAN
Alcatel1000 ANTWin98--
alcatelspeed touch home---
Alcatel/Newbridge/TimestepVPN Gateway 15xx/45xx/7xxxAnyrootpermit
Alcatel/Newbridge/TimestepVPN Gateway 15xx/Anyrootpermit
Alcatel/Newbridge/TimestepVPN Gateway 15xx/Anyrootpermit
Allied TenysinR130-Managerfriend
AlteonACEswitch 180e (telnet)-adminblank
Alteon Web SystemsAll hardware releasesWeb OS 5.2noneadmin
APCAnyFirmware Priapcuserapc
AppleNetwork Assistant3.XNonexyzzy
AscendAll TAOS modelsalladminAscend
AscendPipeline Terminal Server-answer-
AscomTimeplex RoutersAnySee notes-
AT&TStarlan SmartHUB9.9N/Amanager
AxentNetProwler managerWinNTadministratoradmin
AxisNPS 5305.02rootpass
AXISStorPoint CD1004.28rootpass
AXIS200 V1.32-admin-
Axis2100 Network CameraLinux (ETRAXrootpass
Bay / NortelARN13.20Manager (caps count !)-
Bay Network RoutersAll-User-
Bay NetworksASN / ARN RoutersAnyManagerManager
Bay NetworksBaystack--NetICs
Bay/Nortel NetworksAccelar 1xxx switchesAnyrwarwa
Bay/Nortel NetworksRemote Annex 2000AnyadminIP address
Bintecall RoutersAnyadminbintec
BiodataBIGfire & BIGfire+all-biodata
Biodataall Babylon-Boxesall-Babylon
BreezeComAP10, SA10BreezeNET PR--
BreezeCOMStation Adapter and Access Point4.x-Super
BreezeCOMStation Adapter and Access Point2.x-laflaf
Buffalo/MELCOAirStation WLA-L11-root (cannot be changed)(no password by default)
CabletronNB SeriesAny-inuvik49
Cabletron routers and switches**blankblank
Cayman3220-H DSL RouterGatorSurf 5.Any-
Chase ResearchIolan+--iolan
CiscoAny Router and Switch10 thru 12ciscocisco
CiscoConfigMaker Softwareany?n/acmaker
CISCONetwork Registrar3.0ADMINchangeme
CiscoroutersNot sure...j-san-fran
CiscoVPN 3000 Concentrator-adminadmin
CiscoNet Ranger 2.2.1Sol 5.6rootattack
Ciscoanyaany IOSno default loginno default password
CiscoIDS (netranger)-rootattack
CobaltRaQ * Qube*Anyadminadmin
Comersus Shopping Cart3.2Win 95/98/NTadmindmr99
CompaqInsight Manager-Administratoradministrator
CompaqInsight Manager-operatoroperator
CompaqManagement AgentsAlladministratornone
copper mountain----
Coyote-PointEqualiser 4Free BSDeqadmin - Serial port onlyequalizer
Coyote-PointEqualiser 4Free BSDroot - Serial port only-
Coyote-PointEqualiser 4Free BSDlook - Web Browser only (Read alook
Coyote-PointEqualiser 4Free BSDtouch - Web Browser only (Writetouch
D-LinkDI-7012.22 (?)--
DellPowerVault 50FWindRiver (Erootcalvin
DellPowerVault 35F-rootcalvin
DellPowerapp Web 100 LinuxRedHat 6.2rootpowerapp
DigiboardPortserver 8 & 16anyrootdbps
DLinkDI-206 ISDN router1.*AdminAdmin
DlinkDl-106 ISDN router--1234
DLinkDL-701 Cable/DSL Gateway/Firewall--year2000
DlinkDFE-538TX 10/100 AdapterWindows 98--
DLinkDI 106winntadministrator@*nigU^D.ha,;
Dupont Digital Water ProoferSun Sparcanyrootpar0t
ElronFirewall2.5chostname/ip addresssysadmin
Ericsson (formerly ACC)Any routerallnetmannetman
Extended SystemsExtendNet 4000 / Firewallall Versionsadminadmin
Extended SystemsPrint Servers-adminextendnet
ExtremeAll Summits-admin-
extremeblack diamond---
Flowpoint144, 2200 DSL RoutersALL-password
FlowPoint144, 2200 DSL RoutersALL-admin
Flowpoint2200--Serial Num
Flowpoint2200--Serial Num
Fore SystemsASX 1000/12006.xami-
Foundry NetworksServerIronXLAny--
Future NetworksFN 110C Docsis cablemodemAny--
General InstrumentsSB2100D Cable Modem-testtest
Hewlett PackardHP Jetdirect (All Models)Anynonenone
Hewlett PackardMPE-XL-MGRCCC
IBMNetCommerce PRO3.2ncadminncadmin
IBMLAN Server / OS/22.1, 3.0, 4.usernamepassword
IBMLotus Domino Go WebServer (net.commerce edition)ANY ?webadminwebibm
IBMra6000AIX Unix--
Imperia SoftwareImperia Content Managment SystemUnix/NTsuperusersuperuser
IntelAll RoutersAll Versions-babbit
IntelAll RoutersAll Versions-babbit
IntelIntel PRO/Wireless 2011 Wireless LAN Access PointAny-Intel
Intelwireless lan access Point--comcomcom
IpswitchWhats up Gold 6.0Windows 9x aadminadmin
janta sales254compaqjanta salesjanta211
janta sales254compaqjanta salesjanta211
LantronixLPS1-T Print Serverj11-16anysystem
LantronixMSS100, MSSVIA, UDS10Any-system
LantronixPrinter and terminalservers--system
Linkou School--billbill
Linkou School--billbill
LinksysCable/DSL routerAny-admin
LinksysBEFSR7(1) OR (4)Standalone Rblankadmin
LucentPortmaster 2-!rootnone
LucentCajun Family-rootroot
lucentPortmaster 3unknown!root!ishtar
LucentPacketstar (PSAX)-readwritelucenttech1
MacSenseX-Router Pro-adminadmin
Microrouter (Cisco)AnyAny-letmein
Microrouter (Cisco)AnyAny-letmein
MicrosoftWindows NTAllAdministrator-
MicrosoftWindows NTAllGuest-
MicrosoftWindows NTAllMail-
MicrosoftSQL Server-sa-
MicrosoftWindows NT4.0pkooltpkooltPS
MICROSOFTNT4.0free useruser
MicrosoftWindows NT4.0adminadmin
MICROSOFTNT4.0free useruser
MicrosoftMs proxy 2.0---
MicrosoftKey Managment ServerWindows NT 4-password
motorolacyber surfer---
Multi-TechRASExpress Server5.30aguestnone
NanoteqNetSeq firewall*adminNetSeq
NetgearISDN-Router RH348--1234
NetscreenNS-5, NS10, NS-1002.0netscreennetscreen
NeXT-NeXTStep 3.3me-
Nokia - Telecom NZM10-TelecomTelecom
NortelMeridian 1 PBXOS Release 200000000
NortelContivity Extranet Switches2.xadminsetup
NortelNorstar Modular ICSAny**ADMIN (**23646)ADMIN (23646)
NortelNorstar Modular ICSAny**CONFIG (266344)CONFIG (266344)
Nortel Networks (Bay)Instant InternetAny--
Northern Telecom(Nortel)Meridian 1--m1link
ODS1094 IS Chassis4.xodsods
OptivisionNac 3000 & 4000anyrootmpegvideo
OracleInternet Directory Serviceanycn=orcladminwelcome
Oracle7 or later-systemmanager
Oracle7 or later-syschange_on_install
Oracle7 or laterAnyScottTiger
oracle co.Database engineseverysyschange_on_install
PlainTreeWaveswitch 100--default.password
Research MachinesClassroom AssistantWindows 95managerchangeme
RodopiRodopi billing software 'AbacBill' sql database-rodopirodopi
SambaSWAT PackageLinuxAny Local UserLocal User password
SGIEmbedded Support PartnerIRIX 6.5.6AdministratorPartner
SGIIRIXALLOutOfBox, demos, guest, 4DGifts(none by default)
sonic wallany firewall deviceadminpassword-
SonicWallAny Firewall Device-adminpassword
Spider SystemsM250 / M250L--hello
Sprint PCSSCH2000see notesMenu - 8 - 0 (see notes)040793
Sun-SunOS 4.1.4root-
surecomep3501/3506own osadminsurecom
TekelecEagle STP-eagleeagle
Telebitnetblazer 3.*-setup/snmpsetup/nopasswd
TerayonTeraLink Getaway-adminpassword
TerayonTeraLink 1000 Controller-adminpassword
TerayonTeraLink 1000 Controller-userpassword
TerayonTeraLink Getaway-userpassword
TopLayerAppSwitch 2500Anysiteadmintoplayer
TrendMicroISVW (VirusWall)anyadminadmin
TrintecheAcquirer App/Data Servers-t3adminTrintech
Ullu ka patthaGand maraGandooBhosdaLund
Vina TechnologiesConnectReach3.6.2(none)(none)
WatchGuardFireBox3-4.6-wg (touch password)
WebminWebminAny Unix/Linadmin-
Webramp410i etc...-wradmintrancell
Win2000Quick Time 4.0Englisch--
Windows 98 se98 se---
Wireless Inc.WaveNet 2458n/arootrootpass
XylanOmnistack 1032CF3.2.8adminpassword
XylanOmnistack 40243.4.9adminpassword
ZyxelISDN-Router Prestige 1000--1234
zyxelprestige 300 serieszynos 2.*-1234
ZyxelISDN Router Prestige 100IH--1234
Zyxelprestige 300 seriesany--
Zyxelprestige 600 seriesany--
ZYXEL641 ADSL--1234
Zyxelprestige 128 modem-routerany-1234
ZyxelISDN-Router Prestige 1000---
ZyxelISDN-Router Prestige 1000---